THINKETH the Humanity
Training on How Inspired, Noble, Knowledgeable and Empathetic Thinkers Help the Humanity
This course is based on materials produced by Brendon Burchard. All materials used for this course and much more is available at http://brendon.com/
Hosting organization
European Utility Operators' Performance Improvement Academy
is a growing family of utilities, institutions, non-profit organizations, commercial companies and experts working on performance improvement of water and sanitation utilities. Utilities other than water and sanitation will be included in time.
Sadržaj / Contents
How to Deal With Other People
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewHow to Deal With Frustrating People (Kako se nositi sa frustrirajućim ljudima)
StartWhen You Feel Lonely (Or, You are Not Alone)
StartThe Rejection Myth: How to Overcome Fear of Rejection
StartHow to Improve Your Relationship
StartRelationship Advice
StartHow to say, "I'm Sorry." (The Power of Apologies and Forgiveness)
StartDealing with Difficult Times in Life
StartAccepting (and Defining) Reality
StartHow to Believe in People Again
StartInterview Those You Love (Before They're Gone)
Start3 Kinds of Friends (and Why "Growth Friends" Matter Most)
How to Deal With Yourself
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewHow to Be Happy Secrets to Happiness (Kako biti srećan Tajne sreće)
StartHow Incredibly Successful People THINK
StartHow to Get Our Sh** Together (The Power of Personal Responsibility)
Start3 Enemies to Our Personal Growth
StartHow To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)
StartHow to Overcome Fear
StartHow to Learn Faster
StartHow to Stay Focused
StartHow to have more CONFIDENCE
StartThe Stunning Costs of Distraction
StartHow To Unplug
Start4 Ways to Become More Disciplined
StartThe Power of Habit: Setting Up "Triggers" to Sustain Habits
How To Guide Yourself
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewHints to The Purpose of Life
Start5 Rules for the Game of Life
StartRaise Your Standards in these 5 Areas to Live a Better Life
StartPrioritize Like a Genius
StartHow to Design the Perfect Day
StartHow NOT to Set Goals (Why S.M.A.R.T. goals alone are lame)
Start4 Cornerstones of Achievement
StartHow to Succeed: 5 Steps for Getting Ahead
Frequently Asked Questions / Česta pitanja
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.